Tuesday, January 27, 2009

One of those "I Run Linux" moments.

A friend came over for dinner last Sunday. She had some music on her iPod she wanted me to check out. There wasn't a good way to plug it into my stereo system, so I plugged it into my laptop which runs Kubuntu. I wasn't sure what to expect. I opened up Amarok (the media player in Kubuntu) and her iPod showed up as a connected device. I copied the artist in question to the playlist and began listening to the music. It was that easy.
On Windows I would have had to install iTunes. I've never used iTunes, but I believe there is some kind of protection so you cannot just copy your music around as you like. She was worried that her iPod was going to try to synch with my music collection.
So it was great that all I had to do was plug her iPod in and my desktop was configured by default to just handle everything with ease.
I frequently have a similar situation happen when trying to grab photos from someone's camera. They say, "Oh no, you need the driver disk." To which I reply, "Oh no, none of that is necessary." Then I plug in their camera and the pictures start copying over to my local pictures folder. It should be that easy on any operating system.

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